Elected at twenty-eight, his meteoric career, based primarily on their sympathy and charisma she led him to the post of assistant secretary of the Navy by the newly elected President Woodrow Wilson. Highlighted in the exercise of his office, Roosevelt managed to gain the respect and loyalty of those who dealt with him, so that, Wilson withdrawal from political life, advised him to stand as the Democratic vice presidential candidate. That done, the elections were won by Republicans, but Roosevelt persevered in his attempt to become known among voters, what the near future will eventually render the desired results. In August 1921, however, suffers an attack of polio that nearly ended his life, his legs completely paralyzed for two years and will leave you confined to a wheelchair for the rest of your life. Despite this, it is showing a strong will and desire to improve to resume as could his political activity, speaking in 1924 at a meeting of his party. In 1928 he wins the election for the government of New York.
Installed the United States during the crisis of 1929, its program of social reforms gave good results to tackle the recession. He also had the ability to surround himself with a good team of collaborators who helped him in managing and presented him the ideal person to lead the country out of the morass in which he found himself. Thus, in the 1932 Democratic Convention in Chicago, he was elected candidate for president. During the campaign, he was determined to show that his handicap was not an obstacle to occupy the top position of the government of the nation. To do this, he took countless trains and toured the United States from east to west, approaching voters and transmitting energy and confidence. On November 8, 1932 he was elected president with nearly twenty-three million votes, eight more than his rival, Herbert Hoover. Immediately after reaching the government launched a package of social, economic and political measures to promote the recovery of the country after the tremendous economic crisis suffered since 1929. Action The program was dubbed New Deal, literally "New Deal" and its objective key was to ensure greater economic and social welfare of US citizens through greater and better redistribution of wealth. To do so, it granted the State Auditor certainly a role he had never done before gala in the US, putting an end to ultraliberal and unbridled capitalism that had caused the Great Depression.
It was also the first time that the government in a very wide public investment program began, building infrastructure, financing the peasantry, deterring speculation, legalizing trade unions and installing a system of social security. The social tone of government Roosevelt went so far as to proclaim Prohibition, to combat alcoholism, but with unfortunate results. Roosevelt's policy was widely supported by the population, as evidenced by the fact that it was even reelected for a fourth term. However, he had the opposition not only of his rivals, Republican, but also of the great oligarchic groups and fascists led by Senator Huey Long, who accused Roosevelt of leftist and express too much attachment to the presidential chair Party. At the international level, Roosevelt was in favor of ending the traditional isolationism of the United States. Thus, in Latin America, he granted the independence of Cuba in 1934 and resigned to intervene in Panama's internal politics. He also went to the Soviet Union, recognizing its diplomatic presence in November 1933. Concerned about the rise of fascism in Italyand Germany and Japanese expansionism, could not intervene in conflicts such as Abyssinia or Spain by a law ensuring neutrality United States foreign policy. The opportunity to start breaking it gave the start of World War II, favoring economic and materially United States to Britain and France. In 1941, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the underground neutrality is finally broken, United states entering fully into the conflict. The whole country was mobilized to provide weapons, resulting participation in the course of the conflict. But Roosevelt himself personally can not see the Allied victory by the death of the April 12, 1945, although it could participate in the subsequent configuration of the world through meetings with other great leaders like Stalin or Churchill.