Harding's undeviating Republicanism and vibrant voice, plus his willingness to let the heads of the machine set policies, led him away in Ohio politics. He served in the State Senate and as Lieutenant Governor, and successfully ran for Governor. He directed the nominating speech for President Taft at the Republican Convention of 1912. In 1914 he was elected to the Senate, which found "a very nice place" A fan of Ohio, Harry Daugherty, began to promote Harding for the 1920 Republican nomination because, he explained later, "like a president." While a group of senators, took control of the Republican Convention of 1920, when the major candidates deadlocked, they turned to Harding. The he won the presidential election by a large margin unprecedented 60 percent of the popular vote. Republicans in Congress easily got the President's signature on their bills. They eliminated wartime controls and slashed taxes, established a system of federal budget, restored the high protective tariff, and imposed tight restrictions on immigration.
For 1923, the postwar depression seemed to open the way to a new wave of prosperity, and newspapers cheered Harding as a wise man been conducting his campaign promise - "Less government in business and more business in the government". Behind the facade, not all of the Harding administration was so impressive. The comments started coming to the President that some of his friends used their official positions for their own enrichment. Alarmed, she complained; "My ... friends ... they are the ones that keep me walking on the floor at night!" Looking battered and depressed, Harding traveled west in the summer of 1923, taking with him his upright Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover. "If you know of any great scandal in our administration," he told Hoover, "you, for the sake of the country and the party would expose it to the public or keep it?" Hoover recommended post, but Harding feared the political repercussions. He did not live to discover how the public would react to the scandals of his administration. In August 1923, he died in San Francisco of a heart attack.