Cleveland vigorously pursued a policy of free special favors to any economic group. By vetoing a bill to appropriate $ 10,000 to distribute seed grain among farmers afectedos by drought in Texas, he wrote: "Federal aid in such cases encourages the expectation of paternal care of the government and weakens the robustness of our national character". He also vetoed many bills for pensions to veterans of the civil war which their claims were fraudulent. When Congress, pressured by the Grand Army of the Republic, passed a bill granting pensions for inpedimentos not caused by military service, Cleveland vetoed it, too. He angered the railroads calling for an investigation of western lands obtained with the permission of the government. He forced them to return 81,000,000 acres. He also signed the Interstate Commerce Act, the first law sought federal regulation of the railways. In December 1887, he asked Congress to reduce high protective tariffs. He said he had given Republicans an effective issue for the 1888 campaign, and replied, "What's the use of being elected or re-elected unless you stand firm for something." But Cleveland was defeated in 1888; although he gained wider than the Republican candidate Benjamin Harrison popular majority, he received fewer electoral votes.
Elected again in 1892, Cleveland faced an acute depression. He dealt directly with the crisis treasure instead of dealing with business failures, farm mortgage closures and unemployment. Derrogación obtained inflationary gently Act of the Sherman Silver Purchase and, with the help of Wall Street, he maintained the gold reserve treasure. When railroad strikers in Chicago violated a clause, Cleveland sent federal troops to enforce it. "If required the entire army and navy of the United States to deliver a postcard in Chicago," he thundered, "that card will be delivered." Dull try to Cleveland to the railroad strikers stirred the pride of many Americans. So did the vigorous way in which he forced Great Britain to accept arbitration of a disputed border in Venezuela. But his policies during the depression were generally unpopular. His party deserted him and nominated William Jennings Bryan in 1896. After leaving the White House, Cleveland lived in retirement in Princeton, New Jersey. He died in 1908.