Tuesday, August 23, 2016


42. President of The United States, William J. Clinton

William J. Clinton, at 46, the youngest man elected President since John F. Kennedy, came to the White House promising to end the era of drift and stagnation and to start a new season of American renewal. In a speech to Congress, on the 29th day of his presidency, he molded an outstanding strategy to lift the economy, using the incrementation of public and private investment while cutting $ 500 billion from the federal deficit. He started the next day, to promote his "new direction" to people through television appearances and meetings, thus diverting entrenched special interests in Washington. The tactic was a reflection of his successful campaign, using modern communications to push aside challengers to Democratic and Republican incumbents preferably. President Clinton was born under the name of William Jefferson Blythe IV on August 19, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas, three months after his father died in a traffic accident. When he was four, his mother married Roger Clinton of Hot Springs, Arkansas. In high school the young William took the family name. He excelled as a student and as a saxophone player. Often during his political career, he has delighted his audience with an impromptu session saxophone. As a Boys Nation delegate, while in high school, he met President Kennedy in the Rose Garden of the White House. The meeting inspired him to take a life to public service.

Asitió Clinton at Georgetown University and in 1968 received a Bachelor of Foreign Service. As a Rhodes Scholar, he studied at Oxford University for two years. He received a law degree from Yale University in 1973, then returned to Arkansas to teach law at the University of Arkansas and prepare to join politics. He was defeated in his campaign for Congress in Arkansas's Third District in 1974. The next year he married Hillary Rodham, a graduate of Wellesley College. The I had known while both studied law at Yale. Their union formed a strong personal and political society of equal talent that would give dimensional grandeur to the presidency of Clinton. Clinton's house was also extended; in 1980, her daughter, Chelsea, was born. Clinton was elected Attorney General of Arkansas in 1976, then went on to win the governorship in 1978. He lost in his bid for a second term, but won office four years later and served as Governor until 1992. That year, Clinton defeated George Bush and third-party candidate Ross Perot for President.

Clinton and his running mate, Tennessee Senator Albert Gore, Jr., then 44 years old, represented a new generation in American political leadership. For the first time in 12 years, the White House and Congress were run under the same party. In domestic affairs, Clinton signed into law measures to revitalize the economy and renew the American community. To raise living standards and create jobs, won congressional approval of a massive plan of deficit reduction, a breaking trade agreement barriers with Mexico, aid to Russia, and tax cuts for small businesses and people without job. He also signed the Brady Law, which requires a waiting period for gun purchases. Other initiatives included the national service law to put Americans to work restoring their communities; the Act Family and Medical License to protect jobs of parents who must care for sick children; reform public education with the adoption of its Project GOALS 2000; a new national reform plan health care and welfare; and a program to get tough on crime and violence. The economic recovery in the United States and a European tour, which ended at a summit in Moscow, Clinton ended the direction of the end of its first year. In his message of 1994 State of the Union, he declared that the nation "is growing strongly, but should continue to grow even stronger."

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