Real life on poverty from access to natural resources

It is also an important source of animal protein,
especially for most people living around the lake. Nevertheless the forests
along the lake are under high pressure because of illegal cutting of firewood
which merchants export to the other countries. When it loses its forest the
fish and the whole ecosystem can be destroyed. Then there will be no fish for
the fishers to earn money any more. Beside illegal cutting, as the population
is growing more and more, the demanding of food also increase from day to day. Thus,
people need more fish and more food. Consequencely, the natural resource decrease
very quickly. When it come out of natural resources, people who live along the
lake may find it hard to survive since there is less fish for them to do
fishing and no good land for them to do farming. One big problem fishers have around the lake was
who have captured the whole market. Alot of money is got from the fish sale but
still remain poor. At times the fishermen are forced to sell their fish at a
throw away prices because they can’t store it for a long period. Therefore,
poverty occurs for people who live along the lake. When they are poor, they do
not focus much on health and living habit. And that may cause the infectious
disease that can kill people who live around that area. In addition, poverty of
people along the lake gives the really bad effect to the surrounding area. This
means that it effects to the environment there because when they are poor they
do not have money to build a good house or think about their health. They may
pollute the air and especially water. For example, people who live along Tunle
Sarp do not have proper toilet and they may build toilet on the water because
they do not have money to build a good house and proper toilet. Beside the
health, people there may not have high education. They don’t have money for
their children to go to school and capital to do any other job besides fishing.
short, natural resources are really important for all human kind especially for
those who fully depend on it. They will cannot survive if there is no resources
for them. In our case, we took a really example of people who live along Tunle
Sarp Lake. When there is no fish for them to fish in the result of illegal
cutting the water forest, when the whole ecosystem was destroyed then all fish
have gone, no money for them to buy food. Therefore, we human kind must help
each other in order to save the natural resources and the people who fully need
it then we all can live in a better life.