What is folic acid?
Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps cells to grow and to produce DNA, a cornerstone of the human body, which carries genetic information.
Differences between folic acid and folate
The terms folate and folic acid are often used interchangeably, but there are some differences between them:

It is a type of water-soluble vitamin, ie which can not be stored in the body. Leftover amounts leave the body through urine so a continuous supply is needed.
What are the foods that contain it?
We differentiate between foods that contain folate and those enriched with folic acid:
Foods containing folate:
Grains and legumes
Citrus fruits and juices
Wheat bran and other whole grains
Green leafy vegetables
Poultry, pork, seafood
Foodstuffs are often add folic acid:
Dried pasta
The labels of these foods tend to report how much folic acid containing them.
Taking the right amount of folic acid before and during pregnancy helps prevent certain birth defects, especially the so-called neural tube defects (NTDs). These are defects that occur 4 to 6 weeks after the last menstrual period (usually before a woman even knows of pregnancy)
What are the most common NTDs?
Spina bifida and anencephaly
Anencephaly is a condition in which the upper end of the neural tube does not close. In these cases the brain is not formed or is completely absent. Spina bifida occurs when the lower end of the neural tube does not close and therefore the backbone and spine are not properly developed.
It has been found that taking folic acid in a vitamin supplement one month before conception and during the first three months of pregnancy, reduced from 50% to 70% risk of these defects.
Importance of folic acid in pregnancy
Every woman of childbearing age should take folic acid. No one expects an unplanned pregnancy, but they do occur. For this reason, women should take enough folic acid every day if there is the slightest chance that pregnancy happens because the brain and spine already formed when the woman finds out she is pregnant.
Women of childbearing age should consume 400 micrograms (mcg) of synthetic folic acid daily (this is the easiest way, along with a healthy diet).
Women seeking pregnancy should take folic acid at least one month before conception and during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Women who have had a pregnancy with an NTD should consult with their doctor about the possibility of taking more 4,000 mcg per day.
Taking multivitamins increases appetite and makes you gain weight.
False taking multivitamins is part of a healthy diet and does not make you gain weight.
There are foods that contain folate, like orange juice. So, have a glass of orange give me all I need folic acid for a healthy pregnancy.
False: our bodies absorb the synthetic form of folic acid found in vitamins better than foods containing folate. The best way to consume the required amount of folic acid for a healthy pregnancy is taking multivitamins with folic acid daily, in addition to a healthy diet with foods containing folate.
In my family no medical history of spina bifida, therefore I do not need to take folic acid.
False: 95% of spina bifida cases occur in families with no medical history of the condition.
In conclusion we can say that it is important that every woman who wants a pregnancy make consultation with your gynecologist as it will tell you when and how to take folic acid. However, it is important to emphasize that all that women of childbearing age should be aware of the importance of a diet rich in folic acid supplemented with multivitamins containing folic acid in the above amounts (400 mcg per day) although not in their plans finding a baby (because a large percentage of pregnancies are unplanned).
Do you want to know what are the foods with folic acid to your diet include?